Whether you are a hardcore public land hunter or one that looks to reap the benefits of summer efforts over a plot, we can all agree that being able to effectively adapt is a critical key to success when hunting whitetails. I come from a background that plays both sides and whether its making an early morning ambush over a mile from the truck on public, or doing a hang-n-bang downwind of a hot food source in the late season, the need for reliable gear to effectively slip in and out of a target area remains the same. With heavy equipment like tree stands, climbing sticks, camera arms, cameras, etc. I found myself wishing for lighter and more streamlined equipment to lessen the burden when doing a hang-and-hunt. After years of research and development it starts now, with Cat Trax, and the release of our Commando climbing stick, the lightest and most compact climbing stick the hunting industry has seen to date.

Our goal is simple. Build an unmatched arsenal of tools for mobile hunters. Tools will be designed to amplify efficiency, minimize weight and maximize success in the field.

Cat Trax. A simple take from the best hunters our world has ever seen, big cats. Big cats are efficient, elusive and patiently hunt their prey from trees. Three attributes that the most serious hunters possess. Take your hunt to the next level, today with Cat Trax gear.